Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Husky's Sunrise on track

The Sunrise central plant. Stolen from the Husky website.
Here's an article in the Edmonton Journal from a couple weeks ago. It talks about Husky's Sunrise SAGD project 60km North East of Fort McMurray.

The $2.5 billion project is apparently on track and on budget. It's intended to produce 60,000 barrels a day, and it's a 50-50 joint venture with BP. Sounds like Husky, and maybe other operators, are getting a better grip on costs and schedules, which both experienced major overruns in various projects not so long ago.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

TransCanada and PetroChina plan Grand Rapids pipeline from Fort Mac to Edmonton

This child, who may be Asian but also
may be Mexican, is  clearly hatching
an evil plan. PetroChina is definitely
 Asian and may or may not be hatching
a similarly dastardly scheme with this
TransCanada and Phoenix Energy Holdings (a unit of PetroChina) plan to build the "Grand Rapids Pipeline",  a 500 km (300 mi) pipeline from Fort McMurray to Edmonton. It would carry 900,000 barrels per day of crude (!!) and 330,000 barrels per day of diluent. It would cost $3 billion and come online by 2017.